Onebridge Sales Resources


This is a list of pre-made PowerPoint presentations for prospecting, opportunities, and client presentations.

IMPORTANT: When using ANY Onebridge document, open the document in your desktop app. If you view or edit the document using your browser, the formatting will be messed up and look terrible.

All-Purpose PowerPoint Template

Click Here to Open


This deck is building any Onebridge presentation. It has several slide formats for different kinds of content. For most uses, it is best to use this in combination with the Onebridge Master Presentation Deck below.

IMPORTANT: After opening, download this file BEFORE making changes!

Onebridge Master Presentation Deck

Click Here to Open


This deck is for conversations about Onebridge and its services. It is an all purpose sales deck that contains slides and content for all Onebridge services. You can customize it to be a short intro, or in-depth discussion on a particular topic.

The first few slides contain instruction for using the deck (i.e. how to copy slides) and a table of contents to find what you need.

IMPORTANT: After opening, download this file BEFORE making changes!

MAP and COMPASS Presentation


This deck is for explaining the MAP framework and COMPASS engagement for clients interested in Data Strategy.

IMPORTANT: After opening, download this file BEFORE making changes!

Click Here to Open

Sales Proposal Template


This template is for sales proposals. For contracts, look under "Word Templates."

IMPORTANT: After opening, download this file BEFORE making changes!

Click Here to Open

Executive Summary Template


This template is for executive summaries for project reviews.

IMPORTANT: After opening, download this file BEFORE making changes!

Click Here to Open

Past Presentations Archive

Instruction: An archive of past presentations used for things like "Lunch 'n Learns," events, and webinars.

Current Presentations Available:

  • BI Modern Platform
  • Data Governance
  • Data Strategy
  • Salesforce Enablement
  • Modern Analytics
  • Snowflake Intro

Click Here to Open


This is a list of pre-made Word templates for prospecting, opportunities, and client communication.

IMPORTANT: When using ANY Onebridge document, open the document in your desktop app. If you view or edit the document using your browser, the formatting will be messed up and look terrible.

Simple Onebridge Letterhead


This template is good for any short document that doesn't fit into another specific template.

IMPORTANT: After opening, download this file BEFORE making changes!

Click Here to Open

All-Purpose Report Template


This template is good for any long-form document that doesn't fit into another specific template.

IMPORTANT: After opening, download this file BEFORE making changes!

Click Here to Open

RFP Response (SWK Example)


This template is for executive summaries for starting an RFP/RFS response.

IMPORTANT: After opening, download this file BEFORE making changes!

Click Here to Open


This is a collection of sales materials in PDF form. These can be emailed to clients, or printed for handing out.

Introduction to Onebridge


This one-pager is for introductory conversations about Onebridge. It is best for top-of-funnel opportunities and relationships where the most important questions are "who are you and what do you do?"

IMPORTANT: After opening, download this file BEFORE making changes!

Click Here to Open



This PDF is for explaining the MAP framework and COMPASS engagement for clients interested in Data Strategy.

IMPORTANT: After opening, download this file BEFORE making changes!

Click Here to Open

Offshore Sheet


This one-pager is best for deeper conversations about our Offshore services and solutions.

IMPORTANT: After opening, download this file BEFORE making changes!

Click Here to Open


Access Our Case Study Database

Case Study Archive


All our case studies are cataloged on SharePoint, and you can access them here:

Case studies are sort-able/searchable by clients, technology, and services. External case studies are for public use and have redacted information, and Internal case studies are for private one-on-one sales conversations and have sensitive information.

Click Here to Open


These are reference documents for internal use and sales training.

Sales Enablement (Using Our Pricing Models)


This presentation covers the process of using the pricing model and how to calculate the cost of services.

Click Here to Open

Pricing Model for Onebridge Services


This document shows our pricing models for all services and instructions for quoting projects.

Click Here to Open

Contract Templates


This is a folder with all the different contract templates for Onebridge.

Click Here to Open

Drafting & Sending Contracts


This document will outline the process for drafting contracts and sending them for execution through Docusign.

Click Here to Open


These are reference documents for internal use and sales training.

Sales Team Training


This presentation is an introduction for selling for Onebridge, covering roles, expectations, approach, and basic overview of our services.

Click Here to Open

Data Analytics Practice Overview


A review of our data analytics practice and key concepts.

Click Here to Open

MQL 2 WIN Guide


This presentation walks through the process and best practices for working with leads from marketing and inbound campaigns.

Click Here to Open

Lead Generation and LinkedIn Process and Strategy


This presentation covers our approach to using lists for outbound lead generation, as well as tips for making connections on LinkedIn.

Click Here to Open

Leveraging Onebridge Marketing for Sales


This presentation covers all the marketing tools and tactics available for the sales team to get help in nurturing opportunities and prospects.

Click Here to Open

Partner Summary


A short summary of our partners, with descriptions and points of contact.

Click Here to Open


These are reference documents for internal use and sales training.

Headshot Archive


Looking for someone's photo? You'll find it here.

Click Here to Open

MS Teams Backgrounds


This is a folder of background photos you can use for MS Teams video conference calls.

If you need instructions on how to use these, click here.

Click Here to Open